Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Global Strategic Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5000 words

Global Strategic Management - Essay Example The industrial gases sold by the company have a variety of uses. They are used by oil and natural gas companies, health care providers, steel and general processing companies, chemical and food processing companies and research institutions such as NASA among others. Most packaged gases are sold to magnetic resonance imaging and electronics industries in the United States of America (United States Securities and Exchange Commission, 2010). Industrial gases are extracted either through separation process or chemical synthesis. Air Products and Chemicals, Inc. is the largest supplier of Helium and Hydrogen in the world. The company has wide global distribution channels (branches) in nearly all continents. The company has branches in Africa (Algeria and South Africa), America (Brazil, Canada and Mexico), Asia (China, Korea, Hong Kong, Malaysia, India, Indonesia, Japan, Singapore, Taiwan and Thailand), Europe (Belgium, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Russia, Slovak Republic, Spain, Turkey and United Kingdom), Middle East (Israel, Qatar, Turkey and United Arab Emirates ) and West Indies (Trinidad and Tobago) among other countries. Air Products and Chemicals, Inc. is performing exceptionally well. ... In 2010, common shares out standing were 213,802,865 which increased from 211,260,264 in 2009. In 2009, packaged gases constituted 25.2 percent of the total market and generated $11.2 billion (United States Securities and Exchange Commission, 2010). Managing globally dispersed operations of Air Products and Chemicals, Inc can be complex and challenging to any manager. Harrison and St. John (2009) argued that managing global firms is challenging to managers because resources, business practices and values vary. However, if the company’s management prepares well for international opportunities through strategic planning and timely implementation, the task would be easier. Strategic management involves a number of functions and actions by all key stakeholders. The actions and functions are performed mainly by the board of directors in consultation with the top management and employees. Identifying and selecting a global governing structure, management systems, networking global o perations, managing physical and non-tangible assets including employees and enhancing their capabilities is critical to strategic global management. It also involves enhancing sharing of information across boarders. Furthermore, the company need to pursue corporate social responsibilities and collaborate with critical stakeholders to gain competitive advantage against other players in the international market. This will enable the company to minimise competitive and environmental risks in the environments in which it operates. Heckscher-Ohlin model According Gandolfo (1998), Heckscher-Ohlin model is an important international trade theory that states that countries produce and export goods and services whose factors of production are abundant and easily available in that country. On

Monday, October 28, 2019

The Pantheon as an Architectural Success Essay Example for Free

The Pantheon as an Architectural Success Essay The Roman Pantheon is the most preserved building in Rome despite all the additions and restorations to its original form. The original Pantheon was built in 27 BC by Marcus Agrippa after the conclusion of the Battle of Actium. The monolithic structure seen in Rome today, however, is no longer the original Pantheon from Agrippa’s time. The 27 BC Pantheon burned down in the historic fire of 80 AD and was completely reconstructed by Emeperor Hadrian in 125 AD with the present day structure. Hadrian, however, attributed the construction to the mind behind the original Pantheon as attested to by the inscription on the portico Hadrian left on the building itself, â€Å"Marcus Agrippa, son of Lucius, in his third consulate, made it.† (Ward-Perkins, 111).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The Pantheon continues to amaze thousands of individuals daily. Tourists as well as Roman locals are held enchanted by the buildings faà §ade and dome. The interest stirred up by the Pantheon, however, doesn’t involve just tourists and curious eyes of onlookers. The architectural accomplishment that is the Pantheon has evoked many debates and researches as to its resilience to weathering and time. The Pantheon is a wonder of the modern world, a success story that continues to urge minds of the academe to unlock its secrets. This paper intends to delve into the more physical aspect of the Pantheon and unearth the factors that contribute to the greatness of the structure’s architectural design and composition.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The Pantheon exemplifies the best of what the Roman architectural revolution put forth during the first century. The Pantheon has within its frame some of the most advanced innovations Roman architects of the first century could provide. Its construction was made possible through the development and utilization of a new type of expert concrete that is now known as Roman concrete. Roman concrete allowed for buildings and architectural structures that were more curvilinear in form. This is most evident in the Pantheon’s configuration (Mark Hutchinson, 24).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Roman concrete used material that was very similar to the material used today in making concrete. The difference is seen in the way the Romans utilized these materials. The basic technique employed in Roman construction at that time consisted of only a few steps. First, a semi-fluid substance of lime, pozzolan, and small stones are poured in. Then a layer of stones is put on top this mixture. A second batch of the semi-fluid substance is then poured over which another layer of stones are placed. This technique is generally accepted by those studying Roman architecture. Debate continues, however, regarding the placement of the mortar on whether it was poured or tamped (Herring, 14).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Roman pozzolan-based concrete proved to be advantageous because of the extra aspects it added to the possibilities of design which were not available with lime mortar. One of these aspects is the fact that Roman pozzolan-based concrete did not need to be dried out for them to set. Roman concrete would set even when immersed. These would also cool relatively faster than lime mortar and had an added factor of increasing compressive strength, although tensile strength was low. (Mainstone, 25)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The pozzolan base of Roman concrete, however, was not the only factor that made this material superior to all others available during the time of construction of the Pantheon. There were three other factors that played into the excellence of Roman concrete. Romans were very skilled in choosing the best quality of lime for the concrete. It was essential for them to ensure that only the best quality of materials went in to creating their concrete. The early Roman construction workers were also strict in enforcing that the same relative amounts of materials went into the concrete production process. This was to ensure that the concrete they produced would always have the same first-rate quality. The ratio of water mixed with the cement material was also monitored. The Romans made sure that water was minimal in the mixture. The process of placing and compaction of the mortar was also perfected, ensuring that almost no spaces were present in the aggregate. This was to ensure that the structure for which the concrete was being used would attain the highest possible strength and therefore be one that would last under weathering and other corrosive factors (Herring, 16).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The construction of the Pantheon was not a simple task. The yard, from which the blocks used to construct the structure, was located 800 meters away from the actual site of the Pantheon. Delivery of the blocks from the building yard to the construction site must have required many laborers. The distance, however, may have also been counterbalanced by the Tiber River via which most of the blocks must have been shipped. With all the work involved in the construction of the Pantheon, it is certain that care and skill were essential in the construction. Only with extra caution and true skill could a monument such as the Pantheon truly stand and outlast its makers. (Hasselberg, 88)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Understanding the material which contributed to the strength of the Pantheon is only the first step in understanding the might of its design. Certainly, the Roman Pantheon has lasted the test of time and has undergone the weathering of ages due to the Roman concrete with which it was built. And certainly the Romans ability to come up with a plan for this construction and to follow through with these plans through careful execution and skillful craftsmanship added to this architectural success. However, the monolithic structure has continued on as a great architectural feat through time not only because of its durability but also because of its monumental design. The well-renowned painter of the ceiling of the Sistine chapel, Michelangelo, was one of the many people whose amazement and love for the arts were drawn forth by the Pantheon. He is known to have once described the building as having an â€Å"Angelic and not human design†, a design attributable to the competence and expertise of the ancient Romans (Lugli, 1). The Pantheon’s interior is one of the most concrete examples for the beauty and angelic appeal of the building. The first and most conspicuous aspect of the Pantheon’s interior that invites its visitor to exclaim in wonder is not the walls or ceiling but rather the amount of space that welcomes all to take a step inside. Roman architecture considered space to be something more than just a gap between two objects. Rather, space was considered as a concrete object, as something with volume, with equal weight as the human body. The Pantheon provides modern-day proof of the Roman architects need to place room and make space in the architectural designs of the buildings constructed at that time (Semes, C1.1). The extensive space seen in the Pantheon is not complete to be considered as remarkable if left by itself. It must always be considered with relation to a context, the structures forming the boundary of that space. It is then essential for the Roman architects to ensure that the walls and domed ceiling of the Pantheon will do well to complement the space they wish to portray in the building (Semes, C1.2). In the case of the Pantheon, Roman architects chose a round shape to serve as a boundary of the space within the interior of the Pantheon. The circular shape adds to a feeling that the Pantheon’s interior is indeed spacious. The Pantheon’s walls are ordered by an array of extravagant structures such as the building’s columns, lintels, niches, doorways, and of course the wall itself seen between the earlier mentioned structures. The structures involved in the Pantheon’s walls were not only varied in type but were also varied in terms of the subtypes. The additions to the wall were formed into varying shapes, thus forming subtypes, to add to the intricacy of the beauty of the Pantheon’s interior (Semes, C1.2). Take a moment now to scrutinize one of these features which exists as an aspect of the design of the Pantheon celebrated by contemporary architects as a link to early architectural concepts of beauty. This is seen in the three basic dimensions of the Pantheon’s wall. These three dimensions include the diameter of the columns, the space between each column, and the height of the columns. These dimensions are in the ratio of 1:2:9.5 in the Pantheon. Hermogenes, a popular architect during the Hellenistic age, considered these dimensions and ratio to be the makings of a perfect faà §ade. Vitruvius, the engineer during the 1st century in Rome, is most likely the one to bring to life through the Pantheon the concepts introduced by Hermogenes (Hasselberg, 89).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The round wall contains many niches as well creating an impression of the wall containing numerous chambers at different levels. These niches contain some of the most reputable men of the Western world including kings of Italy, popes, and famous painters such as Raphael. All niches as well as openings in the wall are framed by an arch of bricks which serve more than just beautification purposes. These arches add to the support of the wall above the openings and niches and were called relieving arches because of this feature. These arches only went so far as the wall and did not invade the Pantheon’s dome. Creating structural support through the use of relieving arches was very common with Roman architects during the time the Pantheon was built (Lugli, 30). Roman architects showed their prowess by the careful placement of these structures, the columns, the lintels, the niches, the doorways, and the wall itself. They alternated solid structures with spaces creating an interaction between the two which worked to increase the Pantheon’s appeal as an architectural masterpiece. The differing shapes in the structures, therefore, did not give a sense of disorder but rather an overall impression of organization in the face of diversity. The walls and its complementing features thus give an observer’s eyes a feast both as individual pieces and as an integrated whole (Semes, C1.2). One of the most acclaimed features of the Pantheon is its domed ceiling. It is celebrated world-wide for its being built. The Romans were known for their addition of arches in their structures. The creation of the Roman Pantheon’s domed ceiling gives evidence to the development of the Roman architectural concept of arches. Roman architecture evolved to improve the concept of the arch, modifying it and making it more complex with the resulting structure of a dome. The Roman concrete based on pozzolan is acknowledged by many to be the reason for the Roman architects’ success in building a domed ceiling. At the time, the new form of concrete made the construction of the ceiling an accomplishable feat. Lime mortar would not have been an easy material to use in the construction of the Pantheon’s ceiling, thus the use of the new pozzolan-based concrete, which had many features of modern Portland concrete, contributed greatly to the monumental task of building the dome-shaped ceiling. However, there are those who believe that although the concrete is one of the main factors involved in the dome’s success, it is not the only factor. Robert Mark and Paul Hutchinson believe that the concentric stepped rings placed in the outer surface of the Pantheon dome add to the success of the ceiling (26). It is believed that the steven step rings helped to bring stability to the entire structure of the Pantheon by adding to the compression of the structure. This is evidenced by the oculus at the center of the dome which serves as a compression ring. The positioning of the ring or oculus effectively distributes the compression of the structure about this point. The compression ring attests to the skill of the Roman architects and engineers. They not only had the skill and knowledge required to create the colossal Pantheon but they also had the expertise and comprehension of modern engineering to create it in such a way that it would remain standing as a solid and stable structure for a long time.   Many of the imitations of the Pantheon add such stepped rings to the dome of their derivative structures probably for the same purpose of stability and compression. The dome was also a successful architectural feat with the help of the coffering. Coffering is the placing of sunken panels of different shapes in accordance with the structures in the ceiling. This serves aesthetic purposes as well as reinforces structural strength. The dome’s underside was also made stronger with the use of lightweight aggregate in the upper part of the building’s edifice. The aggregate was of lower density than the aggregate used in the lower parts of the building such as the walls, floor and columns. It is evident then that a lot of though went into the creation of the Pantheon’s dome (Mark Huthcinson, 26). Because of the addition of an oculus in the domed ceiling, the Pantheon provides a perfect example of an architect’s use of light to emphasize the appearance of space. The Pantheon’s dome has an oculus or opening in the middle which makes a circular form across the Pantheon’s interior, the floor and the walls. Sunlight streams in through the open oculus and gives an enchanting chiaroscuro effect, a term indicating the alternating effect of light and dark, via the columns and niches in the room (Semes, C1.2). The shadows created by the columns and niches plays with the light coming in from the oculus to create the effect of irregular but successive alternations of brightness agains darkness. However, a simple addition of an opening in a spacious room is not enough to create such a marvel as the Pantheon’s interior. There must always be the consideration of the features within the structure’s interior and how these features would interact with the light. The different materials used in the construction of the Pantheon add to the mystery created by the illumination entering from the opening in the dome’s oculus. The classical interior welcomes the streaming in of light from the sun or perhaps even from the moon. The walls, the columns, the niches and even the arches add to the effect given by the streaming glow from above. The marbles with all its colors, the golden gleams from the ornaments, allow for the light to play inside the Pantheon and create different effects (Semes, C1.2). The columns in the Pantheon’s interior are created with different types of marble. Those in the lower zone are of a material called giallo antico. This is a type of marble that is of a yellowish-orange color. Some of the other columns in the lower zone are made of marble with an off-white color streaked with reddish-purple hues, called pavonazzo. The walls and floor are covered with marble of white, green, and green-gray colors. Although it may seem to one who has not seen the Pantheon up close that these colors would clash and cause quite an unattractive display of shades, this is not the case in the Pantheon. The architects and engineers of the Pantheon were so skilled that even in the mixing of these hues; the Pantheon creates a sense of intricate beauty and intimate splendor. These add to the attraction of the Pantheon’s interior for visiting tourists and even for the locals. The colors are so well balanced that the interior creates a sense of energy and of unity despite the variation (Semes, C1.2). The Pantheon lends this energy to its visitors, encapsulating them in its color-induced aura once they step inside the great structure’s walls. The Pantheon came to be used for different purposes, attesting to the flexibility of its architectural design. Historians speculate that the Pantheon may have been initially used as a dedication to the Roman gods and goddesses worshipped by many at that time. It may also have served an astrological purpose which may have been the reason for the oculus or hole at the rooftop of the Pantheon. The structure continued to served as a church in 608, as a funerary afterwards, and as a place where the busts of artists not laid to rest in the Pantheon were placed (Howell, 34). The end of the Roman civilization signaled the replacement of Roman architectural design. The Dark Ages was a time of little growth in architectural design but new architecture was conceptualized by the succeeding Renaissance minds. If not for structures such as the Pantheon, Roman architecture would have been all but forgotten. Today, many historians, architects and researchers continue to study the Pantheon to try and uncover the secrets lost during the downfall of the Roman Empire. It provides modern architects are now returning to the foundations of classical architecture and the Pantheon is a treasure trove of knowledge regarding classical design. The Pantheon provides these architects with aspects of classical design that are no longer visible in modern structures. It is clear that the Pantheon continues to be a legacy of the skill and capabilities of the Roman architects who made it (Semes, C1.2). Works Cited Lugli, G. â€Å"The Pantheon and Adjacent Structures.† Rome: Giovanni Bardi Publisher, 1971 Hasselberg, Lothar. â€Å"Deciphering a Roman Blueprint.† Scientific American 272 (1995): 84-89 Herring, Ben. â€Å"The Secrets of Roman Concrete.† Constructor Magazine September 2002:13-16 Howell, Peter. â€Å"Pantheons: Transformations of a Monumental Idea.† Apollo Magazine September 2005: 33-36 Mainstone, Rowland. â€Å"Letter On the Structure of the Roman Pantheon.† The Art Bulletin 68 (1986): 673-674 Mark, Robert, and Paul Hutchinson. â€Å"On the Structure of the Roman Pantheon.† The Art Bulletin 68 (1986): 24-34 Semes, Steven. â€Å"Pantheon Inside.† Architecture Week 254 (2005): C1.1-C1.2 Ward-Perkins, J.B. â€Å"Roman Imperial Architecture.† New York: Penguin Books, 1985

Saturday, October 26, 2019

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) Essay -- essays research papers

â€Å"If you owe your bank a hundred pounds, you have a problem; but if you owe it a million, it has.(1)† In the year of 1327, Kind Edward III of England defaulted on his Italian debts. This caused the banks of Bardi and Peruzzi in Florence to collapse. Who would know that over 650 years later, the world would still have these types of problems? After World War II, the need for an organization like the IMF was finally realized. After the war, politicians and economists began to work on blue prints for a postwar world. They envisioned a liberal international economic order, based on stable world currencies and revived world trade. The International Monetary Fund (IMF) finally came into existence on December 27, 1945. On this date, twenty-nine countries signed its charter when meeting at Bretton Woods, New Hampshire. On March 1, 1947 the IMF came into financial operations. The IMF was established to promote internal monetary cooperation through a permanent institution, which provides the machinery for consultation and collaboration on international monetary problems. Also, it provides temporary financial assistance to countries under adequate safeguards to help ease balance of payments adjustments. In addition, it facilitates the expansion and balanced growth of internal trade. Many critics and even followers of the IMF do not even know what the IMF really is. It is not a development or even a central bank. It is a credit union. It pays interests on deposits it receives from member nations. The IMF lends money to members having trouble meeting financial obligations to other members, but only the condition that they undertake economics reforms to eliminate these difficulties for their own good and that of the entire membership. Some people believe that if the IMF tells a country to do something, they must do it. This statement is false. The IMF has no authority over the domestic economic policies of its members. The IMF is a cooperative institution that 182 countries voluntarily joined because they see the advantage of consulting with one another to maintain a stable system of buying and selling their currencies. All 182 members of the IMF contribute to a pool of funds that the agency then taps to aid troubled countries. The IMF currently has around 200 billion dollars. The U.S., Germany, Japan, Britain, France, and Saudi Arabia make up over 35 percent of thi... ... sums of money that could be spent on education to debt repayment. Structural adjustment makes the problem worse, as the IMF demand government spending cuts and privatization measures in education. What money remains for education goes to primary schools, with education beyond elementary levels shifting to a fee-for-service basis. In Mexico, the Bank advised the government to abolish constitutionally guaranteed free education at the national university, provoking a lengthy student strike. The rich get an education. The poor get sweatshop jobs. So, what do I think? Well, the IMF is a good program. It has worked in the past and it will continue to work in the future. It has proven that is has the necessary elements to be a successful worldwide organization. However, small adjustments do need to be made, as no organization is perfect. The IMF regularly talks about how it is doing things for the future, and not the present. I feel that the IMF should start fixing some of the current problems. This will give those countries confidence in the fund. They’ll feel that they can trust the IMF. In conclusion, the IMF is an organization that can help the world, just with small adjustments.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Falcon-Star Software Essay

Falcon-Star Software is newly established Software Company which came into existence in 1994. It has offices in both Washington and Canada. The company is based on providing web based solutions to its customers worldwide. It aims to fulfill all our customers’ software based and customized application based needs. Our mission is to provide quality service to our customers who need our help for their businesses at reasonable rates and provide them the best solutions that will solve their problems for a extensive period of time. At the moment we have two offices to develop our software, our main competitors are also situated close to us and also across the globe, therefore we have to be much focused and plan our strategies accordingly else we can run out of business. Our company is divided into three main departments of information systems group, provisioning services Group, and manager of customer Service. Each department has its own set of directors under whom each of the heads of the departments and managers will be functioning. Since our organization is new we don’t have too many departments that is why each person will be doing multiple roles at the same time. You will be answerable to the CEO who will be there to over look your work and help you with your decisions. (Robbins & Judge, 2005) Since we are in the initial stages of our business therefore we all need to work as one team and plan things ahead so that we can reduce the mishaps that can occur in future. As the manger of our departments I expect you all to be very clear of the mission of this company and based on that you define and identify your goals. This would include strategic planning and staff planning. Your senior managers are going to establish the over all objectives for the company and its your job to turn them into tactical objectives and make your less seniors workers understand them. (Fleming, 2005) Leadership is an important part of becoming a successful manager. It is your ability to lead other people so that they look up to you, trust you and therefore give in their best. It is your responsibility to take care of your sub ordinates who will be helping you with your work. Motivation is an important part of leadership. You need to keep your employees intact with the goal of the company. Make them understand their importance to this company. Employees are one of the greatest assets of a company and we don’t want to lose this asset. (Employee Engagement – A Concept Clean Up) As a manager you are responsible to look into all the matters that are under your control. In order to make things works in a systematic way you will have do organize your team of workers, time and resources in the most efficient manner. It is not about giving instructions only. You need the right kind of people to work under you and delegate responsibility to them . There should be clear division of work. And each department is accountable for its outcome but they all should work for one common vision. Well planned and organized work is a sign of good management and that is what we want our managers to be like at Falcon-Star Software. It is your duty to measure the performance of your department and your employees by comparing it against the targets that you had set for your self and if there are any shortcoming you need to over come that by taking appropriate corrective actions. This will help you in not repeating the same mistake again and learn more from the past experience. As it is said by Hertzberg that giving feed back is very important if things are going the way you wanted them to be. (Echols, 2005) Apart from them you are responsible for coordination between your different activities. The goals of each department should be the same. Try to avoid situations which would end up wasting resources, money and effort. Our aim is to give our customers the best developed software to fulfill their requirement. Communicate with your staff and encourage them. Failure to keep satisfied employees can adversely affect the business. Different managers have different ways of approaching problems. You can choose your own ways of doing work as long as it’s giving us result. You should understand your role and what we want from you at work. You have to plan, organize, control, communicate, and lead the organization and its employees. Our focus is our customers. We together have to work as a team so that our goal is met and we are able to compete with our competitors successfully. For that we require efforts from every individual however, the role of a manager in a company is versatile. They give fuel to the organization. Its now on your ability and work and commitment and how you undertake pressure. (Echols, 2005) Works Cited †¢ Fleming, John H. (November 2005). Where Employee Engagement Happens. Harvard Business Review †¢ Stephen P. Robbins and Timothy A. Judge (2005). Organizational Behavior, Twelfth edition: Pearsons Publishers †¢ Employee Engagement – A Concept Clean Up. bsiconsulting, Retrieved June 26, 2008, from http://bsiconsulting. com. au/pdfs/Engagement%20Clean%20Up%2003. pdf

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Pest Analysis of Russian Retail Market

PEST Analysis The PEST analysis is used in this report to evaluate the political, economic, social and technological aspects of the macroeconomic environment in the targeted market, Russia. This study helps to frame the basis for the decision-making about a possible market entry. Thus, it is of vital importance to scrutinize the macroeconomic environment as part of the market research. Political and Legal Aspects According to the Russian 1993 Constitution, Russia is a democratic federative state with a republican form of government grounded in the rule of law (pwc, 2012).After the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991, Russia has gradually opened up and after a seven-year transitional period with numerous market reforms, political stability was achieved under Prime Minister Putin and President Medvedev. Moreover, since 1999 when Putin became president for the first time, Russia’s political system has shown continuity in its policies. The Russian judicial system is based on statutor y law, but has been ineffective and weak since the fall of the Soviet Union. However, the introduction of many reforms is expected to eventually bring about improvements.Russia has also entered various legal assistance programs with countries across the world, as unfair competition practices are hindering FDI inflows into the country (Datamonitor, 2011; pwc, 2012). However, corruption and crime are still major challenges for doing business in Russia. Russia has been ranked 143rd in Transparency International’s corruption perception index of 2011 concerning perceived public sector corruption. In addition, the high degree of bureaucracy within the country makes doing business slow and complicated.The business environment is further negatively affected by the high number of corrupt state officials (Datamonitor, 2011). Terrorist activity is one of the major concerns in Russia as bomb explosions and suicide attacks (such as those in the Moscow-St. Petersburg express train in 2009 or in the Moscow metro in 2010) have killed dozens of people over the last years (Datamonitor, 2011). Russia is member in many different international, regional, economic and financial agreements such as G8, G20, and International Monetary Fund just to name a few of them. pwc, 2012) The country further integrated within the world economy by entering the World Trade Organization (WTO) in 2012 (Datamonitor, 2011). Economic Aspects Russia of 2011 is characterized by a per capita GDP (PPP) of $16. 750, GDP and FDI growth of 4. 3% and 33% respectively. Furthermore, the ease of doing business in the country improved by 4 ranks between 2011 and 2012 and hence Russia is ranked 112th in 2012 (Datamonitor, 2011; pwc, 2012). Historically successful economic reforms during the 1990s led to liberalization of the Russian economy and to high growth rates.Yet, the global economic downturn beginning in 2008 led to a negative growth of 7. 7% in 2009. However, the country’s economy managed to q uickly recover, achieving a 3. 9% GDP growth in 2010, mainly due to the high oil prices (Datamonitor, 2011). Improved competitiveness and higher oil prices facilitated a turnaround in the current account, from a deficit in 1998 to a surplus of 12% of GDP in 1999. Since 2000, Russia has maintained a current account surplus, which dropped from around $102bn in 2008 to around $47bn in 2009 (Datamonitor, 2011; pwc, 2012).Current challenges in Russia’s economic landscape include a high budget deficit and a banking system being under continuous stress. Moreover, the unemployment rate of 6. 6% is another negative side of Russia’s economic landscape (Datamonitor, 2011). Social Aspects The main ethnic group within Russia is Russians with 79. 8%, while other ethnic groups include Tatar 3. 8%, Ukrainian 2%, Bashkir 1. 2%, Chuvash 1. 1%, other or unspecified ones with 12. 1% (2002 census) (CIA The World Factbook, 2012).Concerning religion, estimates from 2006 suggest that 15-20% o f the population are Russian Orthodox, 10-15% are Muslim, and 2% – other Christian, yet large parts of the population are non-believers, a likely legacy from the Soviet era (CIA The World Factbook, 2012). The United Nations Development Program (UNDP) ranks Russia 66th with regards to overall human development, making Russia part of the high human development quartile. However, one major challenge within Russia is the huge gender gap concerning life expectancy.Average life expectancy is 66. 2 years, yet it is only 59. 8 years for men, while boosting 73. 1 for women (United Nations Development Program (UNDP), 2011; Datamonitor, 2011). Russia is estimated to be one of the fastest-growing countries concerning proportion of population to be considered middle class. (Financial Times – Chart of the week: tracking the rising EM middle classes, 2012). The related increase in disposable income can be illustrated by the tripling in middle class spending between 2000 and 2010.Howe ver, the widening income inequality may pose a challenge for long-term success (Datamonitor, 2011). In general, Russia’s current strengths concerning social development are the high level of social governmental spending and the well-educated population. However, the country still struggles with a high mortality rate and a widening income inequality gap (Datamonitor, 2011). Technological Aspects Russia has signed the TRIPS (Trade-related Aspects of Intellectual Property) agreement, but nevertheless faces Intellectual Property Rights issues regularly.Moreover, the country still lacks adequate telecommunications infrastructure (Datamonitor, 2011). PEST Implications for the Retail Industry Russia’s political and legal framework suggests that foreign retail operations in Russia, although not restricted, may be inefficient because of bureaucracy and corruption. In addition, the usage of the ruble exposes foreign investors to exchange rate risks. The economic characteristics of the Russian market, however, paint a much more attractive picture of the industry, which represents 15. % of the country’s GDP. The Russian retail and wholesale sector has attracted 17. 1% of the country’s FDI in 2011. The country also has the lowest retailer penetration rates in Europe (pwc, 2012), suggesting it is a market in its growth stage with significant opportunity for new entrants. Yet, a recent study conducted by the management consulting group, AT Kearney, shows that Russia has fallen behind BRIC and other emerging market nations in terms of the countries’ attractiveness for investments in the retail sector.In fact, it ranks 26th out of 30 emerging market nations with regard to the attractiveness of the retail sector. As some experts argue such a ranking may reflect the strong foothold of local retailers, with such rivalry making the Russian retailer market a developed rather than an emerging one (Financial Times – Russia retail: loosing app eal, 2012) The pending commercialization of the cloud-dispersal aircraft technology may also have a positive trickledown effect on the retail industry.The technology may solve the problem of drought-prone areas, representing 6% of arable land within Russia, possibly improving domestic food production, and supplier reliability (Datamonitor, 2011; CIA The World Factbook, 2012). Overall, the country environment suggests that despite some institutional voids, the economic environment is conductive to a booming retailer segment with a growth that can be exploited by foreign retailers. The decrease in FDI attractiveness, however, points to the likely presence of established competitors that may prevent such an entry, which will be analyzed in greater detailed in the industry analysis.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Elizabethan Weddings Essays

Elizabethan Weddings Essays Elizabethan Weddings Paper Elizabethan Weddings Paper Elizabethan weddings were a business arrangement, based mainly on strengthening social position. Many of the wedding customs used now originated during the Elizabethan period. In Elizabethan times a woman, if at all, had very little say in whom she was married to. Often the bride and groom would not meet until their wedding day. Elizabethan weddings were almost opposite compared to now. Elizabethan weddings were mainly used to strengthen social position. They were generally a business and brides did not get to choose who they were married to. They are quite different compared to now and were not at all based on love or having a family. Weddings were also used to increase farm size. Their weddings were quite remarkable. Many now used customs originated in the Elizabethan period. Elizabethan weddings also used some customs that are not used now. For example, dowries were to be given to the husband. A dowry could be anything from property to money to cattle. The woman to be married became property of the man. The woman had very little say in who she was married to. It was often common to meet the new partner for the first time on the wedding day. Although it is a feature of Elizabethan weddings it tended to happen more of children from the nobility and upper classes. If they were lucky, a small painted picture would be sent over for approval. If they didn’t approve I am sure they would still have to be married to them anyway. So in conclusion weddings differ over time. Wedding still are also very solemn events at the church. We also have bachelor parties and bridal showers similar to how they did. A wedding was viewed as the most important day in your life. Elizabethan times were similar yet very different because of the customs.

Monday, October 21, 2019

20 Topics on Health Economics for a Presentation

20 Topics on Health Economics for a Presentation Health economics is a branch of economics that deals with the issues related to the production and consumption of health and health care. It also goes on to study health-affecting behaviors such as smoking. As this is one of the very interesting topics around, your instructor may ask you to delve deeply into the topic. In this case, you may either have to write a report or a presentation. If you need to write the latter on this subject, feel free to go over our 10 facts on health economics for a presentation. However, if you are strapped for time, the following 20 topics may just be the right fix for you to begin creating a presentation right away. The Need for Health Care vs. the Want for Health Care The Contribution and Effects of the Country’s HealthÃ' are Sector on its GDP An Overview of the Resources Required to Deliver and Sustain Basic Health Care and Treatments The Effects of Health Care Reforms and Policies on Private Organizations’ Profitability Healthcare as a Basic Human Right: The Pros and Cons of Providing Free Healthcare A Look at the Feasibility of a Universal Health Care System An Objective Look at the Pros and Cons of a Free Health Care Market Methods to Reduce the Risk of Adverse Selection The Differences between Moral Hazard and Adverse Selection and their Effects on Health Economics The Need to Educate Patients on the Costs Added to their Medical Bills The Role of Medical Resources in Increasing Life Expectancy Numbers Effective Solutions to Improve Infant Mortality Rates in the United States The Role of Hospitals in Setting the Prices of Treatments Reasons Patients Should Select Larger Medical Facilities to Avoid Costly Treatments The Adverse Effects of an Unplanned Influx in Health Care on the Overall Economic Balance The Role of a Stronger Health Care System and Nutrition Programs on the Throughput of the Employed Masses Solutions to Reduce the Wastage of Health Care Treatments Due to Issues such as Negligence A Framework to Ensure that Resources are Not Wasted on Low Quality Services The Effects of Hospital Expansions, Mergers and Consolidation on Independent Practices Quality of Service vs. Quantity: Choosing Patients and their Treatment over Profitability You can use these topics as is or narrow them down further. If you need more guidance on preparing your presentation, visit our page on how to write a presentation about health economics for an outline and general tips. The following lines provide a quick sample for you to go through. Sample Presentation: The Growth of Hospitals and its Effect on Individually Practicing Physicians Hospitals are in a very unique position when it comes to health economics. All over the country, they are constantly expanding and cutting costs; and that has a direct effect on the overall health system. The consolidation of hospitals is also on the rise, a method achieved by buying various practices and merging with private entities. The people running these hospitals are driving up the costs of treatments themselves. In the process, however, the expansion has affected individually practicing physicians. These expansions, which are clearly for profitability reasons, are justified as being an initiative to reduce waste and increase quality. The independent practices, unfortunately, are struggling with patient pressure and administration issues. Despite these, they are delivering quality services at lower prices. That is why private practices are considered a good choice for both patients and insurers. Unfortunately, the public is not aware of this. A staggering amount of 105 hospitals merged in 2012 alone and this has doubled in the past five years. In the last decade, hospitals have exponentially gathered a plethora of physicians under their payroll. Between the years 2000 and 2010, hospitals have hired physicians 32% more than they normally do. The majority of these physicians were individual practitioners. Hospitals have become a huge industry and they have people fooled by having them believe that their mergers and expansions have made the treatment costs lower. In most cases, the same treatment at a hospital can cost 200% more than at an independent practitioner. In a hospital, there are so many small bills patients receive for added facilities and additional services aside from the actual treatment. So not only can hospital acquisition and mergers be a strain on the patients pockets, but also the insurance companies. Insurance companies are paying billions of dollars more to hospitals than a physicians office. This may be hidden from the masses, but these statistics are what hospitals are constantly worried about. Their argument is that the consolidation of hospitals will reduce the waste, protect the atmosphere, and keep the prices down due to the economy of scales. They believe that these mergers and expansions can incentivize the competition to cut costs. If, for example, two hospitals are in close proximity to a huge number of beds and they merge, they would reduce the cost by utilizing their resources, which in this case is the huge number of beds. Also, health care insurance companies will also find it less costly to manage fewer hospitals than a huge number of them. These arguments by hospital owners are fake claims as the economy of scale is nowhere to be found and the quality of care, prices and costs are increasing every day. Safe to say is that the expansion of hospitals will not be doing hospitals and/or insurance companies and good. The only parties benefiting are the people behind the hospital administrations. There should be awareness about this comparison between hospitals and individual physicians because people need to know that even if their insurance is covering their treatment costs, this negligence can tilt the scale of health economics and raise the costs of everything, including the amount a general patient pays to an insurance company. You can definitely come up with a better topic and presentation. So, get ready to work hard on your upcoming PowerPoint presentation. Best of luck. References: Bhattacharya, J., Hyde, T., Tu, P. (n.d.). Health Economics. Gruber, J., Newquist, H. P. (2011). Health care reform: What it is, why its necessary, how it works. New York: Hill and Wang. Brill, S. (n.d.). Americas bitter pill: Money, politics, backroom deals, and the fight to fix our broken healthcare system. Monopolizing medicine: Why hospital consolidation may increase healthcare costs. (n.d.). Retrieved April 22, 2016, from Drummond, M., Drummond, M. (2005). Methods for the economic evaluation of health care programmes. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Is the US Population Behaving Healthier? (n.d.). Retrieved April 21, 2016, from Sloan, F. A., Hsieh, C. (2012). Health economics. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Sicilian Phrasebook

Sicilian Phrasebook GREETINGS Bon giornu. Bona sira.Good evening. Bona notti.Good night. Addiu.Good-bye. Comu si senti?How are you? Bonu, grazii, e Lei?Fine, thanks, and you? Unn cà ¨ mali.Not bad. Piaciri di canuscirvi.Pleased to meet you. GETTING ALONG Parra inglisi? Iu unn parru sicilianu.I do not speak Sicilian. Ma capisciu si parra chià ¹ lentamenti.But Ill understand if you speak more slowly. Mi capisci si parru inglisi?Do you understand me if I speak English? Cà ¨ nessunu cca ca parra inglisi?Does anyone speak English here? Comu si dici in sicilianu...?How do you say in Sicilian...? ASKING FOR DIRECTIONS Mi po diri comu si va a ...? Quantu si ci metta a [town name] di cca?How far is [town name] from here? Quantu si ci metti in machina?How long does it take by car? Mi po mustrari na carta unna mi trovu?Can you show me on the map where I am? Gira sinistra.Turn left. Gira destra.Turn right. Jiti rittu rittu.Go straight ahead. Faciti un giru cumpletu.Make a U-turn. Jiti à ´ primincruciamentu.Go to the first intersection. Unn à ¨ luntanu.Its not far. È vicinu.Its nearby. Si ci metti cincu minuti a pedi.Its a five-minute walk. TRAVEL AND TRANSPORTATION Pi favuri, unna à ¨ u benzinaiu u chià ¹ vicinu? Pi favuri, mi metta deci litri di benzina.Ten liters of gas, please. Mi volcontrollar a pressioni dà ® gummi?Would you check the tire pressure? Unna pozzu parcheggiari?Where can I park? Cà ¨ un parcheggiu ca vicinu?Is there a parking lot nearby? È un parcheggiu liberu?Is this a free parking lot? ON THE BUS Quali autobus devu prenniri pi jiri à ¢ Quattru Canti? Unna à ¨ a firmata?Where is the bus stop? È chistu lautobus pi San Fratellu?Is this the rigth bus for San Fratello? Un biglettu, pir favuri.One ticket, please. Devu scinniri a...I have to get off at... Mi po diri unna devu scinniri?Can you tell me where to get off? AT THE TRAIN STATION Quannu à ¨ u prossimu trenu pi Missina? Vogghiu un bigliettu di andata e ritornu.Id like a round-trip ticket. Un bigliettu sulu di andata.One-way ticket, please. Un bigliettu di prima classi, pi favuri.First class, please. A chi ura arriva u trenu di...?At what time does the train arrive from...? Chi à ¨ direttu o espressu?Is it a local or an express? Mi po dari un orariu?May I have a timetable? Da quali binariu parti u trenu?From what platform does it leave? U trenu parti dà ´ binariu...The train leaves from platform... U trenu pir Catania parti a...The train for Catania leaves at... È trenu cu prinotazzioni ubbligatoria.You need a reservation for this train. FOOD AND DRINK agneddu antipastu mistumixed antipasto baccalarudry salted cod bivannidrinks calamarisquid cicirichickpeas ducisweets fasolibeans panibread pipipepper pumudamuritomatoes sasizzasausage u primufirst course u secunnusecond course vinu biancuwhite wine vinu russured wine SHOPPING Comu Le pozzu sirviri? Vogghiu sulu dar un occhiata.I just want to have a look. Vogghiaccattarun capeddu.Id like to buy a hat. Unna à ¨ u camerinu?Where is the fitting room? Pozzu cangiari na vota accattatu?May I return this? Faciti anchi modifichi cca?Do you make alterations here? Pozzu pagari cà ¢ carta di creditu?Can I pay with my credit card? Non accettamu carti di creditu, sulu contanti.We do not accept credit cards, only cash. Mi poincartari u me acquistu in pacchettu regalu?Can you gift-wrap my purchase? Tuttu ntà ´ negozziu à ¨ in saldu.Every item in the store is on sale. È troppu granni / nicu / lungu / curtu.Its too large / small / long / short. SERVICES Mi po puliri sti cammisi, pir favuri? Quannu sarannu pronti i causi?When are the pants going to be ready? Mi bisogninu pi sabatu.I need them by Saturday. Devu pagari ora o quannu i vegnu a ritirari?Should I pay now or when I come to pick them up? Eccu a so ricevuta.Here is your receipt. Vulissi tagghiari i capiddi.I would like a haircut. Vulissi un tagghiu curtu.I would like my hair short. Vulissi sulu na spuntata.I would like my hair trimmed. Faciti anchi massaggi cca?Do you also do massages? MONEY Unna à ¨ a banca a chià ¹ vicina? Quannu apri / chiudi a banca?When does the bank open / close? Unna pozzu truvari un Bancomat?Where can I find an ATM? A quantu sta u dollaru oggi?How much is the dollar today? Chi tassa ci mittiti sà » cambiu esteru?What is your fee on currency exchange? Accitati carti di creditu?Do you accept credit cards? AT THE BEACH Unna pozzu affitari una sdraia? A chi ura devu ristituiri a sdraia?At what time shall I return the deck chair? Chi voli diri a bannera russa?What does the red flag mean? Quantu pozzu natari a largu?How far am I allowed to swim here? Unna pozzu accattari na buttighia dacqua nta spiaggia?Where can I buy a bottle of water on the beach? È chista na spiaggia pubblica?Is this a public beach? HEALTH Pozzu vidiri un dutturi, pi favuri? Chiamati lambulanza!Call an ambulance! Unn mi sentu bonu.I dont feel well. Mi sentu malatu.I feel sick. Mi fa mali a testa.I have a headache. Mi fa mali a panza.I have a stomachache. Haiu un allergia.I have an allergy. Cercu na farmacia.I am looking for a pharmacy. Mi po diri unna à ¨ a farmacia chià ¹ vicina?Where is the nearest pharmacy, please? Devu pigghiari sta pinnula cu acqua?Should I take this pill with water? EMERGENCIES Latru! Aiutu!Help! Lassami in paci!Leave me alone! Vattinni!Go away! Mi scipparu a cullana!They snatched my necklace! Haiu bisognu di un interpetri.I need an interpreter. Cà ¨ un dutturi cca?Is there a doctor here? Focu!Fire! Chiamati i pomperi!Call the firemen! MEASURES centimetru chilometrukilometer chilukilo litruliter metrumeter DAYS OF THE WEEK luneddà ¬ marteddà ¬Tuesday mercoleddà ¬Wednesday gioveddà ¬Thursday venerddà ¬Friday sabbatuSaturday duminicaSunday MONTHS OF THE YEAR jinnaru fivraruFebruary marzuMarch apriliApril maggiuMay giugnuJune lugliuJuly agustuAugust settembriSeptember ottubbriOctober novembriNovember dicembriDecember TIME Chi ura à ¨? È luna.It is one oclock. Sunu id dui.It is two oclock. Sunu i dui e menzu.It is two-thirty. Sunu i dui menu un quartu.It is a quarter to two. THE FOUR SEASONS primavera estatisummer autunnuautumn invernuwinter THE WEATHER Chi tempu fa? Fa friddu oggi.Today it is cold. Fa cauru.Its warm. Chiovi.Its raining. È na bedda jurnata.Its a gorgeous day. Nun chiovi, ma fa ventu.Its not raining, but it is windy. È nuvulusu.Its cloudy. Quanti gradi fa fora?How many degrees is it outside? Rumani ci sar una timpesta.Tomorrow there will be a thunderstorm.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

E&J Gallo Winery study case Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

E&J Gallo Winery - Case Study Example this brand, company puts its marketing position at stake as a manufacturer of premium wine, while discontinuance would cause substantial losses to the company. Losses will affect profitability that is the main concern of stockholders. Since the problem is customers’ perception that Thunderbird as a low-end fortified ( LEF) wine, is of poor quality, a marketing strategy that calls for image building is called for. The perception on the product that has been created is that as a low-end fortified wine is not always the best. Perception is influenced by what customers think or feel on the product but is not always correct. A perfect example of image building is changing the brand’s packaging so that it would look expensive. Changing the packaging would be an add-on cost to the company, but image repair-building will have its benefits in the long run. A complete advertising package should be arranged on this. Advertising using endorsements of sports and movie personalities would help create a classy image of the product. Customers would feel that even it is low end fortified wine, its taste is yielding to personalities. Thunderbird, according to company’s experience is easy to sell and distribute. Customers look for it when the company once tried to stop selling it. They should maintain that while it is an LEF wine, they should assure the public that their LEF wines possess the best quality that company is proud off. It is a matter of mind-setting that low priced drink is not always

Friday, October 18, 2019

Impact of World War II on the United States Essay

Impact of World War II on the United States - Essay Example Prior to the war, the New Deal was not able to overcome the stagnant state of the US economy despite the concerted efforts of the Roosevelt government. The unemployment rate remained steadily above 14 percent despite having considerably fallen since the darkest years of the depression. A consideration of a more penetrative government fiscal intervention gave way to speculations about real economic recovery in which it was posited that the recovery would become elusive if given to the care of the private sector (Vatter 1985, p. 7). Such recovery required much more Keynesian doses for the New Deal to finally affect full employment (Vatter 1985, p.11). Political impacts include several pursuits that aimed to repair a damaged economy during the New Deal era and the war itself. A political, psychological, and economic shift was a product of the New Deal and World War II in the United States. These concerns troubled the American government during the war years and immediately afterward: big government, the economy, and communism at home and abroad. It was inferred that the bourgeoning bureaucracy that ensued in the United States during the WWII was one characterized by the mounting of commissions, agencies, and administrations, aiming to serve the legal and political necessities of the period. Examples of these are the Foreign Economic Administration, Maritime Commissions and the War Shipping Administration, Selective Service System, US Employment Service, War Manpower Commission, War Labor Board, and War Food Administration (Vatter 1985, p. 87). Each of these had their on designated purposes in which central is the organizing and carrying out of American war-time economic production and output. All of these bureaucratic organizations formed a government front aiming to push through all forms of opposition in the interest of allied victory. The War Production Board (WPB) was established in order to distribute strategic materials as well as suspend the production of consumer products. The WMC attempted to balance the appropriat e distribution of men and women in military, industry, and agriculture during the war (Maddox 1992, p. 193). There was no questioning that the United States placed itself in a hegemonic position as a world power after the war, which may be referred to as one of its political impacts. Likewise, America's preoccupation with the promotion of democracy is essentially an idealist stance that emerged from the moralism and exceptionalism of the America political tradition (Ikenberry 2000, p. 103). This tradition is manifested through actual foreign policy, often carried out at the expense of more sober American international interests (Ikenberry 2000, p. 103). It is for the pursuit of making foreign policy commitments more acceptable to American public that the American democratic stance becomes a minor distraction. The American promotion of democracy after World War II reflects a pragmatic and evolving understanding of creating a stable political order in the international arena, which was later called "an American liberal grand strategy"

Combating Compassion Fatigue Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 2

Combating Compassion Fatigue - Essay Example Therefore, compassion fatigue is characterized by extraneous stress resulting from poor working condition of the caregiver. Most psychologists from the United States clarify that new recruits in nursing often find themselves in similar situations even before they are fully absorbed in the profession (Ekedahl & Wengstrà ¶m, 2008). Regardless of whatever signs a patient may exhibit, symptom of compassion fatigue translates into stress after, which other negative signs accompanied by physical changes become visible (Bush, 2009). While most of the symptoms associated with the above condition can be controlled, there is no magic that compassion fatigue can be dealt with completely. Some of the most usual signs of compassion fatigue include the following: Exhaustion - Most caregivers may feel exhausted at the beginning of the day even before they commence working on their duties thus entertaining a lot of laxities even after having spent a week of relaxation, they would still feel physical weary (Bush, 2009). Increased consumption of alcohol - It has been pointed out that the working day long full of stress, some nurses do resort to engaging into alcohol consumption to unwound stress that they have encountered after a hard day engagements with the patients. However, increases resilience on alcohol will not generate anything constructive instead leads to irritability and loss of money (Bush, 2009). Inability to make a personal decision - It has also been identified that caregivers who are undergoing compassion fatigue situation often feel a sense of incompetency to make a personal decision. Some nurses who are extremely stressed would get to an extent of doubting their clinical competencies. Others would go to the extent of consulting on a simple issue that could have otherwise been solved without engaging another party (Bush, 2009). Depersonalization - People who are associated with compassion fatigue-disorder tend to distance

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Explore public relations practice in Business in China Essay

Explore public relations practice in Business in China - Essay Example China has enjoyed political stability resulting from minimal opposition from citizens and legitimate governance. Historically, China has remained intact for around 5000 years hence high levels of developments achieved. The prolonged existence of stability is due to achievement in building healthy public relations between the citizens. There is widespread interdependence of all the people of China whereby there is communal responsibility rather than individual. This means that most of the roles are collective and focus on the success of the whole country rather than individuals (Shandwick, 2004). Like other countries of the world, China experiences cases of violence due to rising conflicting ideas among the leaders. A single party known as â€Å"The Communist Party of China† (CPC) governs China. The party provides leadership to the country’s 22 provinces, 5 sovereign regions and 4 directly governed municipalities. There are two other notable governing regions Hong Kong and Macau, which are also under CPC. The capital city for China is Beijing. China’s landscape is not favorable for traditional agricultural practices because most of the land lies in the desert. The terrain in general is rugged and hilly. The land proximity forced most of the Chinese to practice peasant farming for survival (Culbertson, 2006). The practice of peasant farming ended in 1970’s as an initiative by Mao Tse-tung to change Chinese Society. Mao suggested adoption of Western technology to end poverty. Adoptions of western technology and public relations have improved the economy of China to the present state. The purpose of this essay is to address the bond between the Chinese culture and public relations. This addresses the people of China way of life and their relationship. Another focus is the impact of media in promoting public relations in the country, and impacts of public relations to business development in the country (Culbertson, 2006). Finally, the essay

Americas Next Top Model Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Americas Next Top Model - Essay Example Description actually evolves as new forms of reality shows emerged. The list could be endless as more and more "audition" types and freak-games sprout. Betts went as far as laying out the basic rules for reality programs as "either elimination of contestants in a high-handed or low-minded procedure, or revelation by a spontaneous uncovering of their flaws, conceits or pettiness," (Betts, 2004) with un underlying message that these kind of shows could be of little, or no relevance to people and persons involved except for some rewards for the winners. Starting out with a gem or a germ of an idea is the first crucial stage of every television or even movie and other performing arts production. How is this going to be done, who, when, how, why. The same thing can be said for "America's Next Top Model." First it was just a flash in the mind. Then, the idea jumped out to a drawing board, until it starts taking a skeleton of a shape, then, it has taken form and meat. Jumping off from the success of "American Idol", the fashion world takes a reality program for its own, run by its supposedly creator Tyra Banks", a supermodel herself. The next step after a germ culminated as an idea is to find out the costs in producing the show. Costing: There are two categories for production cost as the cyber college (2005) pointed out: above the line that pertains to performances and production elements like talent fee, script, music, office services, marketing and promotions. Below-the-line include the physical elements like stage, studio, sets, props, wardrobe, graphics, transportation, production equipment, studio facilities, editing, and the technical personnel that includes the stage manager, engineering personnel, video recording operators, audio operators, and general labor. The specifics now follow: 1. Pre-production costs that include putting up the idea into one solid material of project proposal that includes the script, technical descriptions and production abstract. The process of getting financers and technical backers. Estimate*: $ 800,000.00 2. Location scouting and related travel expenses refers to finding out the best possible area for main production site, in America's Next Top Model case, in a luxurious Los Angeles mansion where the young women contestants may have their own room and move freely, at the same time accommodating the technical staff or crew. Expenses for travel during the rounding off of places and spots are included in here until the final touches and detailing. Estimate*: $ 500,000.00 3. Studio rental includes the budget for venue for the professional appearances where catwalk performances as well as general modeling audition will take place. Estimate*: $ 50,000.00 4. Sets and set construction is the beautification concept where the production design will be applied. This includes the process of making the studio appear like a Victoria's Secret runway, the stage, the judges' table and a background that will evoke the ramp

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Explore public relations practice in Business in China Essay

Explore public relations practice in Business in China - Essay Example China has enjoyed political stability resulting from minimal opposition from citizens and legitimate governance. Historically, China has remained intact for around 5000 years hence high levels of developments achieved. The prolonged existence of stability is due to achievement in building healthy public relations between the citizens. There is widespread interdependence of all the people of China whereby there is communal responsibility rather than individual. This means that most of the roles are collective and focus on the success of the whole country rather than individuals (Shandwick, 2004). Like other countries of the world, China experiences cases of violence due to rising conflicting ideas among the leaders. A single party known as â€Å"The Communist Party of China† (CPC) governs China. The party provides leadership to the country’s 22 provinces, 5 sovereign regions and 4 directly governed municipalities. There are two other notable governing regions Hong Kong and Macau, which are also under CPC. The capital city for China is Beijing. China’s landscape is not favorable for traditional agricultural practices because most of the land lies in the desert. The terrain in general is rugged and hilly. The land proximity forced most of the Chinese to practice peasant farming for survival (Culbertson, 2006). The practice of peasant farming ended in 1970’s as an initiative by Mao Tse-tung to change Chinese Society. Mao suggested adoption of Western technology to end poverty. Adoptions of western technology and public relations have improved the economy of China to the present state. The purpose of this essay is to address the bond between the Chinese culture and public relations. This addresses the people of China way of life and their relationship. Another focus is the impact of media in promoting public relations in the country, and impacts of public relations to business development in the country (Culbertson, 2006). Finally, the essay

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Target Group Analysis for Marketing Report Essay

Target Group Analysis for Marketing Report - Essay Example It is JetNet Services' goal to enable their clients to a professional positioning in the Internet which is the main access to information and communication of nowadays and the future - together with providing all support necessary in case the client wishes to purchase optimally suited hard- and software. There are four business units, offering their services and products for four different purposes but having the same management and exchanging information within the company. The advantages of this for the client are short communication paths; one contact person who manages all the contacts in the company (i.e. A case manager) and a range of in-house services and products. Research suggests that the four units do not actually have separate targets. There are primarily two broad targets: Internet Unit and IT Support Unit; Graphic Unit and Multi-media Unit targets. These groups have enough overlap that they may be broadly looked at in a similar light. There is also a primary target for all four units as a package. The first section describes the Internet-Business Unit and IT Support Unit. However, there is some overlap of target markets for the other 3 business units (graphic design, multimedia, IT-Consulting). Two main target groups exist for the Internet and It_support Units. (Shurmer 1993, p. 240) Small and middle enterprises without their own marketing departments broadly comprise the first group. The two primary sub groups of this section are differentiated by the demographic information of their business leader. Young entrepreneurs heading start-up companies are the first of these leaders. The young entrepreneur is aged 20-35 years old, and is early on in his career. The second sub-group leader is an older entrepreneur, aged 36-55 years, with an established career, and a firmly entrenched company. (Igel 2001, p.159) Small and middle enterprises with their own in-house marketing and/or technical support departments make up the second broad group. Within this category, there are also two sub groups based on the demographic information of the decision maker. Here, the first target is the marketing manager: he is typically male and manages the entire marketing department. The second is the marketing assistant: most often female and reporting directly to the marketing manager. 2.1 Young startup entrepreneur The young entrepreneur is aged 25-35 and has just founded a company. He needs professional services for designing and implementing his company's website. A website is a must have for him because several start-up consultancies recommended creating a website as the first step in marketing a new business, followed by purchasing professional stationary and business cards for Corporate Design/ Corporate Identity purposes. The young entrepreneur grew up using the Web and he is competent in the technical skills involved in using the Internet for business and personal matters (i.e. knows how to browse the Internet, search Goggle, and send email) and he also is open to the technology and knows the marketing benefits that the Web offers (such as being a cheap marketing platform, up to date information, and reaching a wide audience). (Trondsen 1996, p.571) 2.1.1 Older entrepreneur The older entrepreneur

Monday, October 14, 2019

Tummy Tuck Essay Example for Free

Tummy Tuck Essay Whether you’re a male or a female Age, hormones, high protein diets and other factors can result in centralized fat in the abdomen. Abdominoplasty, also known as a â€Å"tummy tuck,† is a cosmetic procedure performed to eliminate excess skin, remove fat and fat cells from the abdomen, as well as tighten the underlying muscles in the stomach to create a firm abdomen. The removal of a large part of lower abdominal skin requires that the belly-button be surgically reconstructed as well. An unfit abdomen is due to a number of factors not only due to extra fat. Stretching of tissues and muscles in the stomach, having problems with elasticity in the skin and having excess skin can cause your abdomen to appear weak and out of shape. A Tummy Tuck can be done for a person of any age but ideal candidates are people who have lost elasticity to their skin with age and women whose pregnancies have stretched out the muscles in their abdominal wall. Women who plan on having a tummy tuck should be comfortable that they are done having children to avoid re-stretching of the muscles. Men as well can be candidates for abdominoplasty in cases of dramatic weight loss, creating loose skin. Men and Women that lack exercise or are non-responsive to exercise can build up the â€Å"spare tire† look in which they may benefit from a tummy tuck as well. When planning a tummy tuck, you must consider a few things. Like any other surgical procedure, there are risks and pre-cautions that must be taken into account. Good communication with your surgeon is key to preparing you for your surgery. Dieting, smoking, alcohol intake and other individual habits must be taken into consideration and discussed with your doctor. Time is important when considering a tummy tuck. Make sure you have planned enough time to recover and you have family or friends that may be available if you need them. All types of surgeries have risks to some measure. Some risks of having a tummy tuck include, infection, excessive bleeding, prolonged scarring (mainly due to smoking amp; 2nd hand smoke), skin loss and blood clots. (Discuss all the complications with your surgeon). A Tummy Tuck can be done for a person of any age but it is most frequently done on women who have had children and do not plan on having more. It is also regularly performed on people who have lost all of the weight they planned to lose. You must be a healthy individual with no severe medical conditions. (Set up a consultation with a surgeon to see if your health issues contradict with having this procedure). Pain, swelling (due to the removal of tissue) and bruising after your surgery can vary on the individual but those post-op effects are normal. A compression garment is given to the person to wear directly after the surgery for 4-7 weeks. A Tummy Tuck does not replace exercise and diet, those things essential to living a healthy lifestyle, but it certainly is a booster to those who want to start getting back into shape and is a quicker way to retrieve your previous figure or achieve the shape you’ve always wanted. Your goal is just an appointment away, call for a consultation to get started!

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Movie Analysis Of Leadership Development

Movie Analysis Of Leadership Development You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You must do the thing you think you cannot do. -Eleanor Roosevelt The above stated lines speak up the spirit of Norma Rae and the power of a leader. The quotation highlights the two main points shown in the film; the strength and courage of a woman and the idea of justice and equal rights for all. The film shows how an oppressed, young American lady who in initial stage did not had courage to fight against intolerable environment, converts into a charismatic leader and helps up bringing the whole textile labour society. The Film: The film Norma Raes release came in an era when labour unions were falling out of favour with the American public and politicians appeared eager to criticize organized labour for harming American competitiveness in the global marketplace. Norma Rae (played by actress Sally Field) focuses on the experiences of an individual who lived in Roanoke Rapids, NC and played a leadership role in the struggle to win union representation from the J.P. Stevens Company. Her real name was Crystal Lee. Crystal Lee had grown up in a family of mill workers, laboured in a variety of jobs, including textiles, and then, rather suddenly, discovered an interest in unions when she heard the speech of an organizer who had come to Roanoke Rapids. She successfully demonstrated that power is not based on title or status; it comes by connecting with people and standing up for what you believe in (Goleman et al, 2002). The movie clearly sends out the message that strong will power, hard work and determination can surely make impossible possible. It substantiates the bonding between a leader and his follower, the importance of such a symbiotic relationship and how the follower can become a leader too by synergizing bonds. It is a live commentary on the inherent leadership potential lying latent in everyone of us and how the environmental factors, situations and a suitable guidance can convert us into a charismatic leader. The movie begins with the loud noise of machines in the mill doing its job and still shots from Ms. Raes life from being an infant to a sad woman, one amongst the 800 mill-workers; a cog in the cotton mill machinery who is not enjoying life, but is only struggling with it to survive. Workers are portrayed as being machines themselves making machines in unceasing eight hour shifts and trying to come to terms with this machine age .Norma Raes mother facing the problem of temporary deafness due to the unbearable noise produced by the machines in the mill. These pathetic working environmental conditions with short and few breaks in-between the working hours, no windows, no proper working conditions and poor management played a major role in transforming Norma Rae into a leader. To begin with, she is a young, hard working, energetic lady with no decided goals. She is a rebel without a cause, unharnessed youth of the age who fearlessly confronts the management. The bosses first tried to hold her by offering a rise in salary by 1$/hr and offering a higher position than others. At first, she plays into their hands, she accepted the offer, but when she was cut off from her people and saw an attitude change in them then she realizes a very important lesson of life that to find strength, one must be with and from the people. Then comes into play Reuben Warshofsky (played by Ron Leibman), an urban union leader who knows the labour laws and the legal system and just needs an insider to materialize his goals from within, who could support him in serving the good cause of publicising the labour union and telling the benefits of it. With Ruebens coordination and learning, Norma slowly transforms into a strong and confident leader. This symbiotic conventional mentor-protà ©gà ©e bond develops into an affective partnership where Norma and Reuben spread awareness and overcome personal and work related obstacles together. Reubens authority, knowledge and wittiness to handle situations helped making a path and strategy to confront the problems. Norma Rae had been marketed to the American public as a story about a female Rocky and as a film that exuded feminist spirit while not overtly preaching feminism. Leadership Styles: There are various leadership styles reflected by various characters in the film Norma Rae, following theories and styles help us explain them: Leaderships gender perspective Transformational Leadership Authoritarian and Participative leadership Style Contingency Theory and Situational leadership Vision Development Conflicts Social Identity Theory Leaderships gender perspective: Because I am a woman, I must make unusual efforts to succeed. If I fail, no one will say, She doesnt have what it takes. They will say, Women dont have what it takes. (Clare Boothe Luce) There is a cultural ideal in most societies that generally men are the leaders. This ideal persists despite the fact that women in many nations have participated in governing the whole nation operating at the topmost positions like Prime Minister and President (Table 1). There still seems to be, in some circles, a belief in some societies that women do not belong in the leadership, and are especially ill-perceived in leadership positions. There still appears to be a commonly held belief that, while women are tolerated in the ranks, many men still believe that leadership in their domain alone. The male centred society has usually associated women with certain specific roles; such taking care of household tasks, looking after children etc. The film Norma Rae tries to evolve such typical and orthodox mindset. The above said sentences can easily be collected from a scene where Normas husband shows anger on her when she used to come late and tries to let her realize her duties towards hou sehold works like washing clothes, cooking food, and looking after kids. But Norma made him realize that she has been working for a great cause and motive and he should understand it. Norma proves it to the whole society that women can not only look after the house and children but also can work, earn, lead and change the system. She also proves that women who are not associated with leadership can be taught and developed to be good leaders. It is truly and beautifully said that: Women have certain characteristics that give them an edge over men in being leaders, like- empathy, and a caring attitude (Heller, 1982). Transformational Leadership: Transformational leadership is a leadership approach that is defined as leadership that creates valuable and positive change in the followers. A transformational leader focuses on transforming others to help each other, to look out for each other, to be encouraging and harmonious, and to look out for the organization as a whole. In this leadership, the leader enhances the motivation, morale and performance of his follower group (source: This is a leadership style exhibited primarily by Rueben, Norma gradually adopts this style. Transformational Leadership occurs when the leader take a visionary position and inspires others to follow. The essence of transformational leadership lies making the followers understand the goals and inspire them to achieve them (Bass et al, 1994). Like many other leaders Norma used the help of her mentor Rueben to understand various leadership traits. To understand the complexity of the environment Rueben who is the mentor here shares all his knowledge and expertise with his protà ©gà © Norma, to become a better leader. Norma evolves as a leader with the help of her mentor, Rueben. She learnt about how she can help people to fight the inequality and how to make them stand against the prevailing evils in the work environment. She understands the fact that: To lead, one must follow. -Lao Tzu Reuben has better Leadership skills than Norma, but his profession and demands matched while that of Norma didnt. Ruebens strength lies in the fact that he inspires people to come forward and realise their potential. He follows the principle of Leadership Development. Reuben better knows how to use the processes of leadership development, i.e., assessment, challenge and support (Howell et al, 2006). Rueben has a better understanding than Norma about of the psychology of his followers to inspirationally motivate them and intellectually stimulate them (Pierce et al, 2008). He makes Norma and the workers understand the fact that a union is essential for them and thus sets the ball rolling. Norma takes the lead and spreads awareness amongst the workers. Normas leadership style is quite inspired by Rueben and she also grows up into a transformational leader. Norma learned the lesson from Rueben: If you are not the lead dog scenery never changes (Source: LeadershipAdvanceOnline) Authoritarian and Participative leadership style: Authoritarian: This style is used when leaders tell their employees what they want done and how they want it accomplished, without getting the advice of their followers. (Source: Norma is shown as an energetic and hard working character in this film, thus authoritarian characteristic, though in a very small content, is exhibited in her natural characteristics. This style is used when Norma tells her peers working for the formation of the labour society about what they want to be done and how she wants it to be accomplished, without getting the advice from them. This leadership style can even be seen the scene when Norma shouts on one of her peer for not getting the work done on time and she had to spend extra effort on augments than to concentrate on other core tasks like planning and management. This leadership style is primarily exhibited by management of O.P Henley textile mill; the management is too much authoritarian and does not want any employee to raise voice against the odds in the mill. The management misuses its authority to restrict union activities been performed by Norma in the work place. The management is least bothered about the employee care , they just want the work to be done without giving any concerns to the voice, needs and requirements of employees. The management of O.P Henley textile mill seems to deny the truth: The key to successful leadership today is influence, not authority. -Kenneth Blanchard Participative (Democratic): This style involves the leader including one or more employees in the decision making process (determining what to do and how to do it) (Source: This leadership style is very much exhibited in the Norma Rae character of the film; in fact the core of the film revolves round this leadership quality. Norma Rae participates in decision making with Rueben. Planning, controlling, pursuing, managing, organizing, and all other tasks are performed by her in a participative manner, either with the peer members of the union supporting group, peer workers or Rueben. An example of participative leadership of Norma could be seen in a scene in which she and the fellow employees wear a large union button in the work setting to speak their fellow workers about joining a union which was protected under the new rules. Norma used to involve and convince people working in the mill to get involved in union formation; she generally used to take inputs from peer workers and Rueben on how to manage tasks. Situational Leadership: Another leadership concept clearly visible from the film Norma Rae is Situational Leadership or the Contingency Theory of Leadership. As per this concept the leadership style is contingent to situations and circumstances (Howell et al, 2006). It is said to be the best style of leadership. The style to be used depends on the readiness level of the people the leader is trying to influence (Pierce et al, 2008). Norma Rae realized the intolerable situation of the textile mill workers were working in, that propelled her to change of the situation and lead the labour society to form a union for their own and for the sake of whole textile labour society. Situational leadership is clearly demonstrated by Norma Rae in the scene when after getting fired from her job in the mill, she mounted a table in her work room and held up a sheet of cardboard with the word UNION marked on it in large letters. She turned around slowly, demonstrating her bold message to the assorted hemmers, terry cutters and packers in the room. As a result of this action, the workers who had been facing the unbearable situations since long, without revolting, were stunned and realized that the time has come to be united and to stand against the management for the common objective of equality and justice, Norma clearly demonstrated her leadership in the odd situation, this scene though silent left a big impact and played a major role in union formation in American textile industry. By demonstrating situational leadership at various instances Norma Rae proved the following definition of leadership: Leadership is the art of getting someone else to do something you want done because he wants to do it Dwight Eisenhower Vision Development: A vision is a guiding image of what success looks like. It answers the question what do you wish to become. (Source Norma Rae is a southern textile worker employed in a factory with intolerable working conditions. She was born and brought up in a family of workers who were facing these conditions since long. In the opening scene of the movie, the viewer is immediately introduced to what it might really be like working all day in a textile factory. The operation of the machinery is deafening. At the end of the scene, we discover that is exactly the case as Norma Rae realizes her own mother cannot hear. Norma from her past had a vision of what is prevalent in the environment and needs to be removed, but since she was used to it and was unaware of her latent leadership abilities she was unable to pursue that vision. Rueben made her realize her leadership capabilities and supported her vision to resolve the issues which she and the society was facing since long. To use vision as a strategy, she needed to define three elements-the plan, current state and desired state (Refer appendix 2). It means defin ing where she was now, where she wanted to be in the future and how she was going to get there This concern about the situation gave her the gumption to be the key associate to a visiting labour union organizer. They knew the present situation, they developed a plan and structure to bring as many people together with them as possible. Together, they undertook the difficult, and possibly dangerous, struggle to unionize her factory) and saved the future of many workers working in textile industry. It was their vision which led them to succeed and let them attain their objectives. Normas success which was lead by her vision justifies the following quote: The very essence of leadership is that you have to have a vision. Its got to be a vision you articulate clearly and forcefully on every occasion. You cant blow an uncertain trumpet. -Theodore Hesburgh Conflicts: Dont be afraid of opposition. Remember, a kite rises against; not with; the wind. Hamilton Wright Mabie This is the main idea which Norma Rae seems to be following in the film. Any leader cannot grow without facing conflicts or without fighting the situations against him/her. In the film Norma Rae, Norma also comes across various conflicts while trying to achieve her goal. The first conflict is at her workplace i.e. against the management of O.P. Henley Textile Mill, the mill management never wanted Norma to form a union, and the management was against her since the beginning of union chapter. Norma had to face many conflicts from the management, some examples of it are, the management warned her at various moments that she might lose her job if she continues to raise voice for union in the work place, she was asked why she used workplace telephone in office hours?, she was asked to remove the unions button, she was warned while favouring the Unions notice on the notice board at work place, But Norma continued with her union objectives and kept on publicising the union, its cause and i ts functions to her peers, finally the management called the police chief to take her away to book her on disorderly conduct charges. Norma Rae did not leave calmly. She kicked, twisted, and screamed, and she had to be stuffed into the squad car and kept behind the bars for a night. At her home, being a lady she was expected to cook food, wash clothes, look after the kids, and perform all other household activities, but since she was very much involved in the union activities she could not take out time for all these works, there was a conflict between her and her husband regarding the same on which she reacted aggressively showing her discontent that while she kept busy in work it was the responsibility of him to take care of such tasks. All these conflicts made her stronger to fight for her cause. Social Identity Theory: Social identity theory: leader is picked by followers or chosen to be supported by followers because s/he is most like them. (Source- Slides) Norma Rae is a co-worker of the labours in the O.P Henley textile mills, this is an additional benefit which she enjoys to become a leader of them and for them, as stated in the social identity theory. There is a peer trust relationship between Norma and her followers, followers know that Norma is well aware of the situations and conditions prevalent in the working condition as she is one of them. This trust, respect and belief can be seen when she held up a sheet of cardboard with the word UNION marked on it in large letters, all her followers supported her and stopped working, they knew that what she was doing is for them and for their well being. In an earlier scene we see that Norma was offered a better designation and salary as that of peers, but when she realised the value of social identity she left the designation. Norma knew that without winning the confidence of her peers and without being one of them she would not be able to succeed to reach her destination. She knew the v alue of social identity. Conclusion Norma Rae though a great social transformer, does not depict the characteristics of a very great leader with a big following. In fact, Norma didnt even have any followers as seen from a conventional view. Yet, she achieved and benefited many. She transformed the way labours were treated in the society, depicting a very interesting, unique and a subtle style of leadership. Norma Rae proved that passion and not position is where courage of a great leader to fulfil his vision, comes from. She along with Reuben, achieved her goal of establishing a union, yet facilitated the workers to believe that it was their effort and achievement. The following lines best describe the leadership style of Norma Rae: Go to the people. Learn from them. Live with them. Start with what they know. Build with what they have. The best of leaders when the job is done, when the task is accomplished, the people will say we have done it ourselves. -Lao Tzu Appendix 1 Appendix 2 Vision as a Strategy

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Flash Memory Essay -- essays research papers

Flash Memory PSYCHOLOGY TERM PAPER Memory is the main faculty of retaining and recalling past experiences. A repressed memory, is one that is retained in the sub conscious mind, in which one is not aware of it but where it can still affect both conscious thoughts, memory, and behavior. When memory is distorted, the result can be referred to what has been called the "False Memory Syndrome"(Thomas Billing Publishing 1995) : a condition in which a person's identity and interpersonal relationships are entered around a memory of traumatic experience which is obviously false but the person strongly believes that it isn't. However, the syndrome is not only characterized by false memories alone. We all have memories that are inaccurate. Instead, the syndrome may be diagnosed when the memory is so severely disoriented that it changes the individual's entire personality and lifestyle, therefore, disrupting all sorts of other behaviors. The means of personality disorder is on purpose. False memory syndrome is especially destructive because the person carefully avoids any confrontation what so ever with any evidence that might challenge the memory. So this syndrome takes on a life of its own, keeping itself to be alone and resistant to correction. The person may become so focused on the memory that he or she may be effectively distracted from coping with real problems in his or her life. There are many models which try to explain how memory works. Nevertheless, we do not know exactly how memory works. One of the most questionable models of memory is the one which assumes that every experience a person has had is "recorded" in memory and that, "some of these memories are from traumatic events too terrible to want to remember"(Thomas Billings Publishing 1995). . These terrible memories are locked away in the sub conscious mind, (i.e. repressed, only to be remembered in adulthood when some triggering event opens the door to the unconscious). Both before and after the repressed memory is remembered, it causes physical and mental disorders in a person. Some people have made an effort to explain their pain. Even Cancer, was known to form in some through repressed memories of incest in the body. Scientists have studied related phenomenon such as people wh... ...he victim had been shown, there is no way of knowing whether the victim is remembering the assailant or the picture. Another interesting fact about memory is that studies have shown that there is no connection between the result feeling a person has about memory and that memory being accurate. Also, opposed to what many believe, hypnosis does not aid memory's accuracy because subjects are unconscience while under hypnosis.(Copeland Publishing 1989) It is possible to create false memories in people's minds by suggestion. Why would someone remember something so horrible if it really did not happen? This is a haunting question, but there are several possible explanations which might shed light on some of the false memories. A pseudomemory, for example, may be a kind of symbolic expression of troubled family relationships. It may be that in such a position people more readily believe things happened when they didn't. When people enter therapy, they do so to get better. They want to change. People also tend to look for some explanation for why they have a problem. Victims come to trust the person they have chosen to help them.

Friday, October 11, 2019

License to Procreate

Caroline McCall Philosophy 211 Stephen Everett, Section 001 October, 12, 2012 License to Procreate The question â€Å"should people procreate† is a very opinionated one. There is no right or wrong answer just a personal opinion based on facts to support it, I happen to side with Hugh Lafollette in his essay â€Å"Licensing Parents†. I will argue that before people are allowed to procreate they should have to obtain a license which gives them the right to produce and raise children. Otherwise they should not be allowed any children until they have the license.First I will look at it from the child’s point of view and explain how it is rational for them. Second I will look at the reasoning and policies of this theory. Finally I will discuss how it would change the modern today and how it would be implemented. The licensing idea came about to protect children from harm. When children are little they cannot defend themselves and have no one but their parents to depen d on. â€Å"Each year more than half a million children are physically abused or neglected by their parents.Many millions more are psychologically abused or neglected, not given love, respect, or a sense of self-worth† (Lafollette 438). Children need constant care and support, some people are just not suitable to give the attention and love that a baby requires. An analogy of this would be a small puppy. My roommates and I really wanted a puppy for our house this year and one of the girls volunteered for it to be mainly hers so she would take it home with her during breaks and continuously watch it.When we went to the pet store they would not let us have a dog because we were college kids and they said we didn’t have the time that the puppy needed devoted to it. A couple weeks later we called and asked if there was any way we could get one still and they said we need to know your schedules, where it will at all times, who will be the main caregiver, and we need parenta l support. So in the end we ended up getting a five week old German Shepherd Lab mix, but only with the consent of someone who had accountable credibility.When I think of this I think of how we had every right to get a dog if we wanted to but we needed to understand what getting a puppy entailed, just like how parents have rights to a child but they need to understand that they have to have accountable credibility to raise a child. â€Å"Both slander and human sacrifices are prohibited by law; both could result from the unrestricted exercise of freedom of speech and freedom of religion. Thus, even if people have these rights, they may sometimes be limited in order to protect innocent people. † (Lafollette 440).Parents do have a right to bear children, but children have a right to a good and beneficial life. Are the parent’s rights more valuable or important than the child’s? Is it right to say that the parent is being selfish or self-centered if they bring a chi ld into the world that they cannot securely support? I think so because it is the parent’s duty to provide their child with the best life possible and to make sure they succeed the best they can. Just like with adopting the puppy there are tons of qualifications that you have to meet when adopting a child.My family adopted my sister when we were both six years old. I was very small but I can still remember some of the process that we had to go through. We had to go sign a ton of papers and then we had numerous interviews with both of the families. They wanted to make sure that we could afford another child so they looked at my parent’s incomes, their house, where we lived, how many kids they already had, how much time they could spend with the kids, etc. There were so many questions that we were asked just to make sure that she was going to be safe in our house.My mother was a stay at home mom so she had plenty of time to spend with us and we were able to afford for Ra chel, my sister, to be a part of our family. I know that if you are trying to adopt an infant the regulations are even tighter. Your house has to baby proofed and you have to have everything already ready for the baby when it comes home. If people have to go through those processes to get a puppy or even a child then why are we not requiring the biological families to do the same thing? Despite the trauma children often face before they are finally adopted, they are five times less likely to be abused than children reared by their biological parents. † (Lafollette 446). When you adopt you have planned and dreamed of having this child instead of a mistake that you are now stuck with. When you plan on having a child and are expecting it or wanting it there would be less resentment or frustration towards that child. Having this process or program would definitely change the way the world is today. It would reduce or diminish the babies produced for welfare checks.Seeing as how my sister was one of those babies its terrible for parents to be dependent on the welfare checks which is for the children but it doesn’t end up actually helping the children to an equal or successful life. This just goes to show an example of the parent that would not be given a license because they do not care about the child’s well-being they just want the money that keeps coming in as long as they keep having babies. If this program were to be implemented in order to get your license you would need to take classes and tests.The classes would consist of nutritional information, hygiene information, health hazards, descriptions of behaviors and actions at certain ages, and basic needs for the child. I would also like to include a fake baby session where the couple or parent has to then take home a fake baby, one that can cry and be recorded so that the teacher can later look at the records and determine whether or not they are ready for their license. Some high school students do this experiment but I think it would be highly effective for adults to try as well.After the classes I would like for some tests to be run on the potential parent or couple. A background check for previous violent or abusive records would obviously need to be looked into. Adults with an abusive or violent past from their parents or guardians are more likely to abuse their children than people who had a happy childhood. These adults are also less likely to be overall happy. After considering my third statement some might say that it intrudes on our constitutional rights. However, I do not agree with that because it’s just like having a driver’s license.You have the right to drive a car if you would like to but because It can put someone else that is innocent in danger they make regulations that allow you to drive or not. These regulations are put in place to keep everyone safe and happy. So you may drive a car without a license but if you get pulled over the re are going to be consequences because you may have put others’ lives in danger. Just like with having a child you have the right to have a child but because you are not licensed to have one you may be putting the innocent child’s life at risk and there will be punishments for it. The punishment for having an unlicensed child would e something like adoption. If for some reason you happen to get pregnant you can apply for the license as many times as you would like but if the infant is born without a license then it would be taken into the adoption agencies custody. It doesn’t violate your rights as an adult because that child has a right to fair and equal life just as you did when you were a child. An adult’s life’s choices or rights do not overcome a baby’s right. If you cannot provide the basics for a child then you should not be able to take it into a situation where it will never have an equal chance to succeed or be happy.Overall I hav e argued that people should not be allowed to procreate unless licensed through a process of interviews, tests, and classes where they will be evaluated to whether or not they would be acceptable parents. The children have a right to a successful and happy life because they are innocent people that have to have someone responsible to rely on to help make that happen. If the parents take the classes which teach them about how to be a great parent and help the child there should be no reason for them to fail unless they did not try or had a violent or abusive past and/or present.I couldn’t imagine not having my sister and I know that she would not be the person she is today had she not been adopted by my family. She has had a very successful past and has a very bright future. Situations like this definitely make modern day society better for children. This program would eventually shape this nation to where there would be less abuse and violence towards children and support hap pier adults in the long run. Sources Shafer-Landau, Russ. The Ethical Life: Fundamental Readings in Ethics and Moral Problems. New York: Oxford UP, 2012. Print.